By 2025, 15 million immigrants': Canadian immigration system is preferred?

Muammar people in Canada are leaving jobs and they have a challenge for the development of the economy, which is born in the economy. In this context, Canada has decided to support immigration, but everyone is not in favor of the decision that so many people need to be called out for economic development. Canada's federal government announced aggressive in the month of this month that they are going to accept five million immigrants annually by 2025. Thus 15 million new immigrants will enter Canada in the next three years. According to the UK and population, Canada will give permanent accommodation to eight times more people, while it is four times higher than the United States, but the recent survey has come to know that immigrants are worried and worried about immigrants. Why did Canada decide to accept more immigrants? For many years Canada has proved to be an attractive place for permanent accommodation. People who receive permanent accommodation are those who have the right to get jobs in the country, but they are not citizens.Canada has relied on permanent residents to increase population and economic output.  Last year, Canada granted permanent residence to 450,000 people.  This was the largest number in the country's history.

 The reason for this is simple math.  Like other Western countries, Canada's population is aging because the birth rate is low.  This means if the country is to increase production and keep the economy from shrinking, it has to absorb new people.

 Looking at the country's labor force growth figures, its total dependence is on immigration.  According to the official press release, the country's population growth by 2032 may also depend on immigration.

 Earlier this month, the government announced that by 2025, Canada will take in 500,000 immigrants each year.  Compared to the year 2021, these figures have increased by 25%.

Canada's unique place in the world

 One in four Canadians came to this country as an immigrant.  This is the largest number among the G7 countries.  Compared to the United States, which is considered one of the most diverse countries, only 14 percent are refugees.  Immigrants make up around 14% of the UK population.

 Madeleine Sumption, head of the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, says that these figures do not mean that the UK is lagging behind in immigration, but that Canada is far ahead and very different from its peers.

 Britain is a small island with twice the population of Canada.  In terms of region, its population is already high while Canada's population is around 38 million.  Its multi-region still has room for more population.

 "Britain has no justification for population growth, like Canada has," she says.

 Geoffrey Cameron, an expert at McMaster University, said that Canada, like other countries, faces problems such as a declining birth rate and an increasing average age of the population, but the success of the immigration system depends on its popularity with the public.  Is.  "Public opinion limits it."

 The influx of refugees from the southern border into the United States is at an all-time high, but there are concerns that more immigrants than jobs are coming.

 In the UK before Brexit, when people from southern Europe began moving into the country, it sparked controversy, but Sumption says public confidence in the immigration system has grown over the years.

 That's because people are starting to believe that it gives the country more control over who can come here, and that's more than ever.

 Meanwhile, immigration in Canada has been gaining a lot of support.  Cameron has said that "the main reason for this is that many people believe that the Canadian government runs a good immigration system and that it is in the country's interest", but this does not mean that people are concerned about immigration.  Not found

In recent years, the number of immigrants at the border with the United States has increased, creating conflicts in Canada.  In 2018, a right-wing party, the People's Party of Canada, gained momentum in the country and the topic was debated during the 2018 federal election.

 Different regions of Canada also have different attitudes towards immigration.

 When the Canadian government announced that it would take in 500,000 immigrants a year, Quebec, one of its 13 provinces, said it would set its own immigration limit and accept no more than 50,000 immigrants a year.  It has 23 percent of the country's population and will only accept 10 percent of the country's new immigrants.

 Quebec Premier François Lago said more immigrants would weaken the roots of the French language in the province.  "It will be difficult to stop the decline of the French language even by 50,000 per year."

 It is true that there are manufacturing opportunities in Canada, but space is tight in some sectors.  Big cities like Toronto and Vancouver, home to about 10 percent of the population, have an affordable housing crisis.

 According to a survey by Leger and the Association of Canadian Studies (based on 1,537 Canadians), three out of four people say they are concerned about the new immigration plan and fear the plan will affect housing and social security.  What will be the impact on sectors like services?

 49 percent said the targets were too high, while 31 percent supported it and said it was the right figure.

Canadian Strategy for Immigration

 Canada's strategy in the Western world is also different because the basis of immigration here is to obtain economic benefits.

 About half of immigrants to Canada are welcomed based on their abilities, not family connections.  The government expects this to reach 60 percent by 2025.

 Cameron said it depends in part on how Canada's immigration system was designed.  In the 1960s, Canada abolished the quota system (in which countries set different targets) and created a points-based system that prioritized highly skilled immigrants.  It was thus determined that such people would more easily play an important role in the Canadian economy.

 "Today's (Canadian immigration) system is based on the same principles," he told the BBC.

 This system is unique in global perspective.  Similar systems have been implemented in Australia and New Zealand.

 One in four permanent residence permits in the UK is granted on the basis of economic development.  Only 20 percent of green card issuances in the US are for economic reasons.

 Both countries have indicated that they will increase the share of immigration on economic grounds, but the major difference between these two countries is that here economic immigration is sponsored by companies or umpires, but a job offer in Canada is yours.  Total points may increase but it is not necessary.

 Britain has also recently introduced a points-based system, but according to Sumption, the UK still has the old system, which mostly gives priority to immigrants who have a job offer.

 Canada's points-based immigration system takes into account factors such as language skills, educational background, work experience, age, job offers and adaptability to new situations.

Will Canada meet its goals?

 Not only does Canada accept the most middle-class people, it also hosts the largest number of homeless refugees.  In the year 2021, 20 thousand 428 refugees were adopted.

 Although he has set big goals for the future, history shows that he has not always lived up to his expectations.

 In the year 2021, Canada had given a target of adopting 59,000 homeless refugees, of which only one-third could be implemented.

 In an interview with CBC, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said the difference was due to the closure of borders in Canada and around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic.

 Canada has pledged to take in 76,000 displaced refugees by 2023.


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